From the minds behind Cassadaga Liquids and Beantown Vapor comes 80V eLiquids. Responsibly manufactured in the USA with unparalleled craftsmanship, these accurate, authentic and delicious flavors are some of the most popular e-liquids available today.
John Nathan and Cassadaga Liquids are known for the stunningly accurate cannoli flavored e-liquids in the Cannoli Be series, while Steven Sapir from Beantown built his brand from the ground up by crafting high-quality small-batch liquids such as Oh-Face and Soul Custardy.
Together, they have created some of the finest eliquids imaginable. The original 80V favorites - Souly Cannoli, Bean Bags, and Honey Mellow - were designed to make dessert lovers drool, but the 80V vapes don’t end there.
80V has grown and expanded to include additional lines and e-liquid flavors to please any palate. Chewjitsu, a series of fruit-chew flavors, the delectable pie flavors of the Pye Liquids line, plus the incredibly accurate smoothie eliquids from the Smooth-E Liquids line are just a few of the other lines made by the 80V team. There’s an all-day-vape for everyone, and we’re proud to have the delicious eliquids from 80V available here at Smoke Smart